The trouble with memorising something

I’m one of those people who is unfortunate enough to have to learn a French essay off by heart for tomorrow. I didn’t think I had a hope, until I did some research on the internet. I came across this blog:

It has this ridiculous method of learning essays in supposed ‘minutes’. As soon as I read it, I knew I didn’t have a chance, and that it wouldn’t work for me. Yet in the comments underneath, person after person claimed they were sceptic until they tried it. 

So I am going to try it. And tell you the results – tomorrow. 

The amazing thing about wildlife

Below is a photo of a spider’s web, formed in amongst some nettles. It is a perfect example of what I wish to speak about today.

Earlier on in the week, I was watching Springwatch – a programme that I passionately follow every year. Chris Packham, the main presenter aired an interesting thought: ‘it’s not necessarily the wildlife that is so amazing, but the way it all works together’. When you think about it, it is so true. If the animals, plants and all that makes up nature didn’t work together, where would be?

Take, for example, the simple food chain of a lake. Realistically, of course, there would be many more animals involved.

Green algae → Waterflea → Yellow Perch → Salmon → Heron

If one thing from this food chain be removed, the whole structure of lake life collapses.

Isn’t it amazing how fragile, yet how stable, our wildlife is. 



A spider’s web nestled in the safety of the nettles at a nearby meadow.

My first post

The title of this first post is inevitable really. The majority of blogs have a beginning post which starts with words ‘my first post’. It’s often followed by an exclamation mark. I won’t do that – I don’t want to be the same as everybody else.

Through this blog, I will endeavour to share my thoughts with the world. Of course, it will probably revolve around recent news stories and current issues that affect us all, in some way. As it happens, today is ‘National Teachers Day’. And you might think this isn’t significant – you’re probably right. It isn’t really. However, it set me thinking:

Shouldn’t we all aim to be teachers? Aim to teach those around us who may not have the same knowledge as ourselves regarding a particular subject or topic. Because if we don’t teach, we lose wisdom through the generations, and make progress in the past fruitless and pointless.

Maybe I will teach something as I post on this site. What I will teach, I don’t know. But perhaps I will.